Friday 19 August 2011

Something for the Weekend?

Silkscreen by Peter Blake
It's Friday, and in keeping with popular internet practice I've got some links for you! Limber up your clicky finger...

> Christine over at Temptalia has been reviewing some new BareEscentials eyeshadows, I like the look of this one.

> Here's Lily Lolo's guide on how to apply mineral foundation. 

> I love this girl's blog. She uses some mineral products, but mostly just creates very cool looks.

> For all you online shoppers, have you seen this? It's a foundation colour matrix, you put in your undertone (ie, cool, warm) and the shade (ie, light, medium, dark) and you get to see a comparison chart of loads of different brands of foundation. It's especially helpful if you know your MAC shade.

> Do you know your enneagram type? Here's a quiz to help you find out. Then check this out, fashion style for each type. I'm a 4 and violet is my favourite shade. C'mon and share, what's your number?

Have a great weekend people, thanks for checking out my blog xxx

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