Friday 19 August 2011

Wash Your Face! Lush-y Routine

Skincare is of utmost importance when it comes to having cool make-up. You can't ask your make-up products to do the job of your skincare products. Though, you can do some clever concealing and correcting later. 

I've tried many different products and routines over the years and this one is suiting my skin at the moment. It is important to think of your skincare as being for your skin at the moment and not forever. 

My skin is combination and prone to the occasional spot. If I use products which are too harsh for it, it gets tight and spotty.  If the products are too rich, then my skin gets congested and dull. So I aim for balance. 

Step 1: Make-up & Grime Removal

I take off the day with Lush's Ultra Bland and a clean muslin cloth. I use Liz Earle's muslin cloth but to be honest, any clean facecloth does the job. A muslin is nice though as it's so pliable that you can get right into the corners of your eyes and around your nose easily. I recommend having a good few cloths so you can always use a clean one, I have about five. 

2. Gentle Cleanse
Just now I've been using Aqua Marina by Lush. It's a totally natural, preservative free cleanser. Made with a base of kaolin and calamine, it's calming, cooling and oil-absorbing. If your skin isn't on the dry side this is just lovely. 

You should just be able to massage a little blob onto damp skin then rinse off with water, but I find it a little sticky so I like to use another clean muslin to rinse off. 

When I was pregnant, my skin really dried up. I found Aqua Marina exacerbated the dryness so switched to the Lush classic, Angel's on Bare Skin. This is a ground almond and lavender cleanser which is a bit more moisturizing. I thoroughly recommend you try this is you have dry skin, the staff at your local Lush store will eagerly give you a free sample or demonstration. 

3. Moisturize

You might notice that I skip the classic "tone" step. I find it unnecessary with the products I use, I just splash with cold water after I've finished cleansing. 

I'm using Lush's Enzymion to moisturize with. It has lots of natural, fresh ingredients including lemon infusion, aloe vera gel and papaya. These allegedly help to mop up excess facial oils and to brighten the complexion. It moisturizes with cocoa butter, wheatgerm oil and evening primrose oil and harbours lots of lovely essential oils too. It does contain a tiny percentage of parabens as a preservative, which may be off putting for some. 

I've found this moisturizer to be effective and pleasant to use. It stops my skin feeling tight, makes it feel nice and smooth and has makes your face smell all fresh. 

Back when my skin was drier, I used Celestial by Lush. It's more suitable for drier, sensitive skins. It worked a treat when my skin was so dry that it itched. I might return to it in winter, as Enzymion just does enough just now. 

4. Weekly Face Mask

I never really went in for the whole skin treatment thing 'til recently but I've converted to weekly face masks. I use Lush's Cosmetic Warrior to keep spots at bay and keep my skin feeling comfortable. 

For slightly drier skins, try BB Seaweed. Oatifix is lovely for very dry skin. This range of face masks are so natural and truly fresh. They have to stay in the fridge as there really are no preservatives here.

What's your routine? Any natural, or nearly natural products that work well for you? Or do you have problem skin and struggle to find the right product?


  1. Another lovely lush lady gave me a bad of goodies for doing her hair. In it was love lettuce face mask. Have you used this one? xx

  2. Yep, it's nice with all it's lavender but a bit scratchy as it has ground almond shells in. Hurrah for generous customers! xx


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