Tuesday 23 August 2011

Sun in Virgo: LOTD

I like being a Virgo, but there's been times I wished I was a Scorpio or an Aquarius. Something more interesting, I thought. You see, I didn't know many Virgos. Things have changed, more Virgos have been met and I know more about myself. I like the deep quirks in the Virgo personality, I like the idiosyncratic interests. Fiona AppleRiver PhoenixWilliam BurroughsGreta GarboNick CaveJarvis Cocker all share the Sun sign, see not too boring!

I think of Virgo as a kind of Tim Burton character. A little bit quiet, a bit spooky, a bit introverted. Strong as steel inside, and misleadingly willowy on the outside. Bony faces seem to be typical for Virgo, I can sometimes tell a Virgo from their nose alone!

And Virgo's don't like to smile in photos. As you'll see if you click on the links to the famous ones. So, enjoy or endure...

For this Tim Burton-esque, undone look (Tim Burton is a Virgo and is always perfectly, totally dishevelled), I kept my face sleep-deprived and bare. I used some yellow colour corrector and concealer under my eyes, and focused on heavier brows and smokey eyes. 

Lily Lolo mineral eyeshadow in Cream Soda as under eye colour corrector
Lily Lolo mineral concealer in Nude 

Lily Lolo mineral eyeshadows in Vanilla Shimmer, Smokey Brown and Witchypoo (applied as liner)
MAC eye liner pencil in Smolder
MAC Plush Lash Mascara in Plush Black

I'll try to make myself look like a Libra next month! 

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